This section shall be known as the Transfusion Medicine Section of the American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) and shall be subject to all provisions of the Bylaws of the AABB.
The purpose of this Section is to represent the interests of Individual Members of the AABB who are concerned with the administrative, quality/regulatory, medical, scientific and technical aspects of transfusion medicine. Specifically, it should be an official channel of communication between the Individual Members of those with interest in these areas and the AABB Board of Directors, its officers and committees; advise the AABB Board of Directors and its officers on matters relevant to the administrative, quality/regulatory, medical, scientific and technical aspects of the Association; and identify new or emerging areas of science or technology that have importance for transfusion medicine and develop a role for the AABB in these areas.
The activities of the Section are intended to be broad and shall include assignments approved by the Transfusion Medicine Section Coordinating Committee (TMSCC) which will benefit the AABB, transfusion medicine in general and patients and donors safety and care.
The activities of the Section are subject to the approval of the Board of Directors of the AABB.
Membership shall be open to any Individual Member of the AABB. Membership in another section shall not exclude an individual from membership in the Transfusion Medicine Section.
There shall be a meeting of the Section at the time of each Annual Meeting of the AABB.
The membership of the Section may be subdivided into two or more Subsections according to the direction of the TMSCC in order to enhance the participation of Section members along lines of specific professional interest. Sections will be led by a Leader and an Alternate Leader selected from among and by the Subsection's membership.
Additional or new Subsections will be recommended on petition to the TMSCC by 15 or more Section members of their interest in creating a distinct Subsection with professional responsibilities that do not substantially overlap existing Subsections.
The TMSCC shall be elected from Individual Members from the Section, except for an initial transition period, commencing with the Section's operation, during which the TMSCC shall consist of not more than 25 members of the former Administrative Section Coordinating Committee (ASCC) and the Scientific Section Coordinating Committee or such other qualified individuals appointed by the Chair. The transition period shall be completed via a method determined by the Chair.
The TMSCC shall consist of 15 Individual Members from the Section, except as discussed in Chapter IV, Sections 1 and 4. This membership shall include the Leaders of each Subsection plus additional members elected by the Section membership as a whole.
Each Subsection shall, at the time of the Subsection meeting at the AABB Annual Meeting, entertain nominations for its Leader and Alternate Leader from the membership of the Subsection and elect these individuals by vote of the Subsection members present. The Leader and Alternate Leader shall serve for a three-year term and may serve no more than two terms in succession in their respective offices.
Nominations for vacant positions on the TMSCC shall be accepted from the Section members and Subsections via a method determined by the TMSCC. Elections to fill these positions shall be held annually via a method determined by the TMSCC.
Committee members shall serve for a three-year term and, except for the Chair, shall not be elected to more than two terms in succession. If elected to the Chair, a member may serve a third two-year term. In such instances, the total membership of the TMSCC shall be 16.
The TMSCC shall meet at least annually and as needed to complete its charges. The time of such meetings shall be determined by the TMSCC Chair. The order of business of the Committee shall be conducted under the Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure.
Vacancies of the TMSCC in positions elected by the membership at large shall be unfilled until the next meeting of the Section. At that time, an individual will be elected by the membership to fill the unexpired term. In case of a vacancy in a Subsection Leader position, the Alternate Leader shall serve until the next Annual Meeting. In case of the Alternate Leader being unwilling or unable to assume these responsibilities, the TMSCC shall appoint a Leader to serve until the next Annual Meeting.
Officers of the Section shall be a Chair, a Vice-Chair and a Secretary.
The Chair of the Section shall be elected by the members of the TMSCC and shall serve for a two-year term, but not more than two terms in succession.
The Vice-Chair and Secretary of the Section shall be elected by the members of the TMSCC from the membership of the TMSCC.
The duties of the Officers shall be as follows: The Chair shall serve on the AABB Board of Directors and shall attend all of the Board's meetings as the official voting representative of the Section. The Chair shall be required to report the activities of the Section to the AABB Board of Directors at each Board Meeting and to report the activities to all members of the TMSCC following each Board Meeting. The Chair shall direct and coordinate the activities of the Section and the TMSCC. The Vice-Chair, in the absence of the Chair, shall perform all duties of the Chair. Should the office of Chair become vacant for any reason, the Vice-Chair will serve as Chair until the next meeting of the TMSCC. The Secretary shall keep minutes of all meetings of the TMSCC, and the Section Meeting, and shall record all assignments and projects delegated to Section Members.
The TMSCC shall encourage participation from all Transfusion Medicine Section Members.
The TMSCC will consider undertaking projects requested by Section Members that are within the capabilities of the Committee.
The Transfusion Medicine Section Guidelines may be amended by recommendation of the TMSCC with approval of the Section Membership and the AABB Board of Directors.
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